Clothing Tips Every Girl Should Know
It’s something we do every day — wear clothes! So, it somehow makes sense that we all have a few clothing tips and tricks up our sleeve. Everything from style and fashion to little tricks that help with all of the dilemmas we have with our bra straps, tight jeans, and uncomfortable shoes. These are all clothing tips that made me think “Why didn’t I think of that?!”. So, I thought I’d pass the wisdom on for other people that wear clothes. I figured there were a lot of you, so here we go!
1. Tucking Jeans Into Boots
No more fat ankles!! Most of my jeans are boot cut or straight leg (guess I’m just not a skinny jean kind of girl). This poses a problem when it comes to wearing boots — not only does it make it hard to zip them up, but I’m sometimes left with bunched up fabric that is uncomfortable and unflattering! If you have a similar problem, here is a nice little trick to tucking those non-skinny jeans into your boots.
DIY Bra Strap Concealer
This clever clothing trick not only keeps your bra strap concealed, but also keeps your wide neck shirts from falling off of your shoulder. Smart! All it takes are a few thin strips of fabric and sew-on press studs.
Clever Zipper Solution
I have a few pairs of jeans that do this (too tight perhaps?). I’m not sure, but here’s an easy trick to help keep that pesky zipper up! Slide a key chain ring onto the loop of your zipper, and then loop it around the button. The ring stays concealed under the denim and ensures that you don’t get caught with your fly down.
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